Raw Honey 3kg x 12

Raw Honey 3kg x 12

The Honey Mine at Cooks Creek

MSRP: $32.00 each

Our raw honey is coarsely strained and only minimally heated to aid in the packing process. This gives a honey that is unfiltered and unpasteurized, while leaving bits of pollen suspended in the honey.

Honey packed in this way is chock full of beneficial antioxidants and enzymes. Raw honey:

Contains antibacterial and antifungal properties
Protects the body from free radical damage (due to antioxidants)
Aids in digestive issues, due to prebiotics
Alleviates seasonal allergies (local source important)
Tastes great!

Additional information

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 3.4 cm
fetchlocal.ca - handcrafted, locally made


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